4 Basic Mixing Methods – Creaming Method

The ‘creaming method,” also called the conventional method:

1. Scales all ingredients accurately. Have all ingredient at room temperature.

mixer2. cream butter or shortening slow until the fat is smooth and creamy.

3. add the sugar. cream on moderate speed until the mixture is light and fluffy
(if melted chocolate is used, it is added during the cream method.)

4. Add the eggs, one at a time, cream until well absorbed. mixture should be light and fluffy.

5. Scrape down the side of the bowl to ensure even mixing.

cream butter


6. Add the dry ingredients, alternating with the liquid.
a. add one-fourth of the dry ingredient. Mix just until combined in.
b. add one-third of the liquid. Mix just until combined.
c. Repeat until all the ingredients are used.

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Ready for the oven

Ready for the oven!




And there you have it!  The finished Sour Cream Pound Cake using the creaming method.

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Sour Cream Pound Cake

Sour Cream Pound Cake






Richele Brisbon
