Sugars and Sweetening Agents

Sugars or sweetening agents are used for the following purposes in baking:

1. To add sweetness and flavor
2. To create tenderness and fineness of texture by weakening the glutens structure
3. To give crust color
4. To increase keeping qualities by retaining moisture
5. To act as creaming agents with fats

Regular refined sugars, or sucrose

1. Granulated Sugars

Also called fine granulated or table sugar, is the most familiar and the most commonly used.

Very Fine and Ultra Fine Sugars: are finer than regular granulated sugar. They are prized for making cakes and cookies because they make a more uniform batter and can support higher quantities of fat.

Sanding Sugars: are coarser and are used for coating doughnuts, cakes, and other products.

2. Confectioners’ or Powdered Sugars

These sugars are ground to a fine powder and mixed with a small amount of starch to prevent caking. They are classified by coarseness or fineness.

10X is the finest. It gives the smoothest textures in icings.

6X is the standard confectioners’ sugar. It is used in icings, toppings, and cream fillings.

Coarser types (4X and XX) are used for dusting or for any purposes for which 6X and 10X are too fine.

There you have it – a quick guide to sugars and where to use them. If you have any questions at all, just ask! I’m happy to give recommendations for specific recipes you’re making.

Richele Brisbon
Shelby’s Sweet Things